Trend Breakdown

Your Beauty Breakdown

Cotton Candy Sweet As Gold

Photo Image(s) : Google Images

“Cotton candy sweet as gold, let me see that tootsie roll.”


Are you going crazy for cotton candy?

No No No.. not the candy, the color hair trend !!

(even though a spool of cotton candy does sound delicious now!)

Forget the brown, black, and blonde dye jobs,

trendsetters are going for pastel colors, making their mane look just as colorful as the sweet candy.

Check out some celebrities rockin the trend.

Photo Image(s): Google Images

Wanna only wear the trend for a day?

Check out this awesome video by Kandee Johnson using Chalk to achieve the look!

What are your thoughts about the trend?

Are you gonna rock the sweet trend?

Let me know!





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This entry was posted on August 31, 2012 by in Hair and tagged , , , , , , , , , , .

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