Trend Breakdown

Your Beauty Breakdown

Berry Me!

Image Source: Google Images

Hello Hello Trendsetters,

your in luck, heres another trend posting for you to read today!

Today in class I participated in a Twitter Chat with my fellow beauty classmates and askesd the question,

“What is your favorite beauty fall trend for fall 2012?”

Everyone commented on how they love the berry lips trend.


Here are some inspiration pictures of the trend from some popular trendsetting companies!

Image Source: Goolge Images

Try It Yourself: I’d line with MAC Nightmoth Lip Pencil and then use MAC lipstick in Smoked Purple layered on top.

Image Source: Google Images

Try It Yourself: I’d try MAC lipstick in Diva and MAC lipstick in Media blended together.

Photo Source: Google Images

Try It Yourself: Pieroni used a new Clé de Peau lipstick coming out in the fall, called R10.

As for the rest of you trendsetters..

are your going to be rocking the bold berry lip?

Let me know!

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This entry was posted on August 27, 2012 by in Beauty and tagged , , , , , , .

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